Royal Doge Inu Whitepaper
Royal Doge Inu is a cryptocurrency token with AI, chat function, and an engaging community of crypto enthusiasts, amateurs, and experts who would use Royal Doge Inu for mass communications on various topics related to cryptocurrency trading, investing, ICOs, and airdrops.
Royal Doge Inu is established as a Cryptocurrency AI TradING And InvesTING Chat. It is also a cryptocurrency token, enabling HODLERS an opportunity to trade this token, and potentially getting nice profits after theRoyal Doge Inu token would increase in value. While an integrated live chat option is the first part of the project, the team would implement various other strategies to increase trader and HODLER engagement and participation of the overall Royal Doge Inu ecosystem.
21,000,000 Total Supply (Just Like Bitcoin)
Phase 1: Appearance On Etherscan, CoinMarketcap, And UniSwap (At Least 5 Holders)
Phase 2: Get Listed on As Many Exchanges As Possible (At Least 10 Holders) —–Current Phase—–
Phase 3: Continued Global Marketing Strategies (At Least 15 Holders)